
List of TCP/IP Commands

October 9, 2021 admin 0

Here are some of the TCP/IP commands and their functions described briefly. Some of the commands are used to configure and diagnose your network. Keep in mind while writing from the command swift you can only write one command on each line and press the “Enter” button after each command to implement it. Arp, ipconfig, nslookup, ping, etc.

IP Address

What Is An IP Address ?

December 20, 2020 admin 0

A simple definition of an IP Address is, an identity of a device which is connected to the computer network. What Is An Internet protocol […]

Local IP Address

What is My Local IP Address?

December 16, 2018 admin 1

What is my Local IP Address? It’s quite simple. It’s an IP Address assigned to your computer or any device which is connected to the computer network. This IP is not accessible from internet but only in you local network. That’s why it is called as “Local IP Address”.